Split My Black Gay Ass Down The Middle.
Uni Q. Mical
, Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 1:32 PM, in
proposition 8,
white people

Uni Q. Mical
, Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 5:42 PM, in
Uni Q. Mical
, Monday, November 3, 2008 at 1:41 PM, in
slave master,
soulja boy

Study Links Teen Pregnancy To Sexy TV Shows
Uni Q. Mical
, at 1:09 PM, in
tila tequila,
white people,
youth of color

"Television is just one part of a teenager's media diet that helps to influence their behavior. We should also look at the roles that magazines, the Internet and music play in teens' reproductive health," Chandra said, acknowledging still other factors can influence teen sex habits.
Living in a two-parent family reduced the chances of a teen getting pregnant or causing a pregnancy. Black teenagers, and those with discipline problems, had higher risks."
Okay, y'all made me have 2 get academically angry black woman on this one:
It must be noted that this article is, by no means, a comprehensive explanation of the multitude of reasons behind teen pregnancy, mostly including environment, race, class, household, etc. Even these reasons must be analyzed, as blindly stating that "black teenagers and teenagers with disciplinary problems are at higher risk", as the author Andrew Stern mentions, is highly problematic. This does not explore the dire dynamics of systematic racism, poverty, and neglect that youth of color experience in these environments.
Moreover, the patriarchial gendered dynamics in these communities often force young women to believe, consciously or unconsciously, that men have the power. The lack of comprehensive sexual education in many public schools in youth of color communities, as well as sexual taboos and silence surrounding sexual activity, also contribute to the curiosity and experimentation.
So, whereas white teenagers can seemingly be harmfully influenced by television and movies to guide their sexual behavior, youth of color are scapegoated as hypersexual since birth, and this behavior is expected of them, and not seen as threatening or surprising. Nevertheless, a thorough discussion of this topic, beyond the sensationalism of television, must be had in order to understand why teenage pregnancy continues to persist in the US.
Once again, our bodies on the line, the actions that are expected of us.
So while little Sally Walker in Missouri can watch Tila Tequila and trip, fall and land on Johnny's dick, the rest of us have been rubbin on our tiddies since birth. Right?

and i’m
f u r t h e s t
from your white conceptions of beauty.
lips been puffy since birth
to bite fruits is a blessing
the juices
keep them softened and blooming
like some tulips on Juneteenth
but don’t see me as all sweet,
cuz my expressions will school thee
jumpin off the tongue
same force as an army gun
warrior in the flesh
the casualties are historical rumps
shaking and baking
swaying hypnotic
rulers and rapings
repulsive and desired, such a brutal embracing
beautiful and on toppa my
natural clouds on my head got me on a knotty high
and don’t need you to validate it
not the fruit in your exotic pie
can't eat me 2 release me
cuz while the master’s sleeping
my sharpened knives are screeching
machete’d my way 2 freedom
a chocolate womyn and her poison thoughts
independent of the gimmicks
from a system that wants me
auctioned off
unless i’m working within it
making you money while my top is off
the camera rolls
at how she flows
but that black bitch betta not ever talk
but even with that
my words scream louder than sapphire
fuckin ya flawed ideals like jezebel
telling mammy to retire
on a daily got me wired
like the streets of my city rollin
B-more in my blood, Afrika in my aorta
sick of adherin to what you told me
cuz you’re the reason i felt lonely
dark skinned & depressed
fit tighter than skin & bones
but i’ve grown 2 believe
that your history does not own me.
i’m uplifting so this brown
can drift like continents around the globe
send the new memo of who we are
eres bella mama,
the stars
shine brighter on our skin
shout it until your throat is parched
give a big FUCK YOU to whoever denies our power
our past has shaped these bodies
but we must define us today for our tomorrow.
Americans Worried About State of the Nation? Never Thought I'd See The Day.
Uni Q. Mical
, Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 12:09 PM, in
wake up call,
So...I Voted. But Are Really We In The Building?

"in the magical land of youtube, racism doesn't exist"
i spend most of my day fighting off the dreadhead hippies and "post-racist" hipsters at my school for their privileged and still blatantly racist comments (your hair's so amaaaazing unique--no, lovely--no, jova? i dont know, you all look alike)...but this shit reminds me that when white folks get in the CYBER world, where they can remain anonymous enough to not get the shit kicked out of them...they wanna get gully. real gully.
we wear the mask, y'all.
"what really happened that day at augusta high school... SHEEEEEIT!!!"
this has got to be the greatest example of that double consciousness we always hear about.
and watch JUST how fast homeboy gets hood on em.
the only thing i could think of...i guess there's a little nigger in all of us.
LaBruzzo...another white man who JUST DOESN'T GET IT.
Uni Q. Mical
, Monday, September 29, 2008 at 10:19 PM, in
reproductive rights,
women of color
should i even be surprised anymore?
somewhere in new orleans, ANOTHER white republican wishes to jerk off his conservative peers by talking of how he wants to pass legislation to pay poor women $1,000 to have their tubes tied. his reason? to shun them away from "generational welfare to generational welfare." what's better is how he's willing to give tax incentives to "college-educated" families to have MORE children.
aside from this being a clear and literal INSULT on the bodies and lives of poor women and women of color, it also illustrates the complete disregard for us to make our own decisions of what to do with our bodies. it also bleeds of the eugenicist mindset of our government towards us, thinking that weeding out the "unfit"--the poor, the disabled, the anything-but-white--will lead us into a sudden surplus of wealth and resources.
apparently $1000 is supposed to compensate for the centuries of generational poverty we've been in. this is not at ALL by faults of our own, but decades of racism, neglect, and down right disapproval of our bodies even making it beyond 'scratchin n survivin'. cuz then, we'd be a threat (and BURN THIS MUTHAFUCKA DOWWWN). but obviously if we had any power and resources, we wouldn't need to rely on the government, now would we?
but of course, to them, it's easier to scapegoat and blame our bodies and neighborhoods so they can justify NOT pouring resources into our schools, hospitals, housing, et cetera. and as long as we think we're the problem too, they're doing their jobs perfectly. no matter WHAT economic situation women of color find themselves in, this does NOT give the government control to decide how we conduct ourselves. trust, they havin just as many babies as we are. (hello palin.)
hog maws & nigger links.
Uni Q. Mical
, Monday, August 11, 2008 at 2:05 PM, in
u can't
bury the word
but let the actions continue.
born on the back of porches
as savage and minstrel
words we never hear 2day
but still the package we live thru
seem since civil rights left
we been more backwards than kids’ shoes
thinkin if we got a few hunnids
in stacks and some crisp shoes
then we done made it big—
but still callin these cracklins our rich food
still plugged in2 the corners
niggas mackin when chicks move
but if she say nothin
she get attacked as a bitch—
2 me
we somethin higher
cuz our mentals done expired
and this poverty’s stronger than physical
we think
we can't aspire
2 this upward mobility
these three year old girls be killin me
mean muggin from the womb
and we just laugh it off as silly
these school kids
who crackin on that boy
for doin arithmetic
but ask him for answers 2 the drill n shit
and we wonder why we payin students
2 bring a love of learnin
2 the skills they flip
not 2 be another dropout
draggin drug doe 2 the dealership
i sit and think round the clockers
where in this generation are our doctors?
our lawyers and our voices
our leaders that’ll watch us
but if i look around again
i see it’s WE we on a watch for
can't wait on y’all 2 act
cuz we’ll be sleepin in them boxes
days long gone from King dreamin
we need a scheme beyond the blocks y’all
but long as we scapegoats
we won't ever think we capable
long as u think u a nigger
ur mind and body gon’ stay lazy yo
frozen on the pa-tio
thinkin bout mercedes doe
they trapped us with the projects
so we can't pass on houses
2 the next generation yo
still redlinin our hoods
banks still don’t trust our paper yo
slicin us with credit cards
act now or debt’ll be the death of yo
got some grown ass rappers
who can't even pay their taxes
and little kids idolize em
stuffin bling bracelets under the mattress
but white folk kno just the hat tricks
feedin us MCs and athletes
don’t take no intellect 2 do this
so we stay suckin on this black meat
programmed 2 think this our only method
2 get out the street
ain't no
aspirin scholars
just chump dollars from this rap release
but the moment u fuck up,
fox news be lynchin on a laughin spree
they only let us niggas get but soooo far
before they crack our teeth
but with every reality
tv show
we proud of we
but just cuz our faces multiplied
don’t mean it’s positivity
read from a script
grab a glock or ur dick
hoes make sure that weave is the slickest
and cuss him out too,
if need be
stereotypes carried over from the 1800s
back when mammy run it
now it’s rasputia who’s gruntin
now soulja boy spittin that shit
that even zipcoon can't stomach
but i don’t blame him—
he’s a gimmick
for when record labels push their buttons:
give ‘em the latest dance,
latest shuffle that they wantin
keep these niggers salivatin
but remainin in these slums &
feed ‘em finger-lickin pig feets,
red kool-aid 2 chase the rum
fast food joints on every corner
chokin on them sesame seed buns
see y’all white folks a trip
tellin’ us 2 eat organic
round here, that word’s a joke—
nigga, pass that bologna sandwich!
y’all hog all the whole foods 2 yaself
charge $10 for bananas
meanwhile a chicken box
ain't but $4.50
but we so full of itis
we can't even read the prices
thinkin we deserve this treatment
hood zombies livin lifeless
the ghettos just babysit us
don’t teach us 2
succeed but 2 survive this
weren’t taught 2 use
king and queen speak—
a long ways from Nefertiti and Isis
and it kills me 2 think
that it’s the 21st century
we still waitin on cotton paper
2 caress our hands so gently
and this decade,
nobody pourin salt on me at diners
but it’s
1/4 niggas in bmore
behind barbed wire till their time’s up
it’s queens who gotta fight
2 have custody of their
callin us murderers for abortions
cuz we can’t afford ur piece of the pie
that baby who woulda lived
2 repeat the cycle of his papa
missin in action
idolizin dribblin black men
with no respect for a woman
this side of the tracks i’m
spittin the puckerin truth
go ‘head and try 2 taste this
u ain't got-ta call me a nigger 2 be a racist
just grow up far away from us
with ur only representation
bein weezy/t-pain/new york/maury and flava flav
and tell me i speak so articulate,
i’m so well behaved!
runnin fingers thru my hair
2 feel the knots,
u’re so
at how we do it
turn bein poor in2 a movement
but if them crack dollars ain't invested
bro, u just look FOOLISH
don’t think we worthy of our accomplishments
so we wear chains of self-hatred
though we make that shit look maaaad fly
inside fear still dominates us
the diagnosis?
post traumatic slave disorder
and they still can't medicate us.
so i think i might've set me up for this by typing "black kids dancing". but you know, they luhhhh us when we tappin for 'em! firstly, the pig who posted this says this about the video:
"lol ok so i don't even care anymore. maybe if you stupid ass black people wouldn't make your own damn stereotype and jump to conclusions about other people bein "racist" towards you than we wouldn't have so much fuss about it. and really all the comments typed out in like black people language aren't doing you any good, i can't undertand you and neither can anyone else. have the common courtesy to argue your point with some real words."
NObama 08
...and honestly, i wouldnt even BEGIN to stereotype their kind as some redneck southerners. they're living right next door to you, going to school with you, and can go home to their affluent, comfortable, sparkling white abodes.
AND, the finale for me. i thought i was gonna be "colorblind" and just type "funny kids"...the fucking crowd went wild.
now while i know this evokes the deep-seated love and compassion america has for the exaggeratedly black and unkempt pick-a-ninny, getting devoured by alligators, standing alongside alfalfa shouting "ohhhh-taaaaay!!!!" you'd think we were soooooo over this type of racism, right? WRONG. and disregard the fact that he's actually in a suit and not wearing a piece of savage cloth.
come on y'all, you GOTTA love this shit:
cuz he might steal your bicycle
Ohhh yhea is a Monkey.
i can't go on anymore. honestly, i don't even wanna share the same country with these muthafuckas. this the shit that makes me PERMANENTLY bitter. that makes me say, if you're white, you're racist. point. blank. period. whether the blatant, slur-filled triggering bigots, or their mean-well "i'm not racist, but..." cousins.
where IS the forum to actually have a constructive conversation about race in youtube and the like? hell, will there ever be one? especially in times when no one sees this as a major problem, or says we're being too sensitive? SINCE WHEN WAS RACISM EVER OVER FOR US TO BE SENSITIVE ABOUT IT? obviously the ones sayin this shit don't have to deal with it everyday. fuck 'em. we gotta push thru this blind ignorance.
aight, just hadda get that off my chest. now back to lookin at TLC videos.