What about if my black gay ass wanted to? is the fact that im black suddenly outweigh the fact that i'm queer?
I decided to post this video from one of my favorite politicians, Mike Huckabee, who all of a sudden LOVES to align with us americans who "looked past race" and voted Obama...but says that the gay rights struggle for marriage is NOT equal to the civil rights struggle. Last I checked, rights were, well, RIGHTS.
If we're really gonna talk rights and privileges, honestly, these predominantly middle class and white gay folks that are thinking about marriage don't represent me. Marriage isn't on my agenda. Lemme get some insurance, a place to live, and an inkling of a lifelong partner FIRST before i think of something so permanent. Lemme walk down the street holding hands w/ my womyn and not have to worry about gettin my head bashed in because two "dykes" don't do that shit around here. Lemme not have to deal with ignorant assholes who think all i need is some "good dick" to bring me back to "the other side." Til then, y'all can shove that marriage shit up your ass. There's bigger fish to fry in our lives.
But, for those that do wish to enjoy the same rights as heterosexual married couples, i'm right there with u. It's essential. But i fucking wish we could stop playing Oppression Olympics, or who-got-their-necks-hung-highest-from-a-tree-for demanding their rights, and really wake up and fight for ALL of us.
Until then, these bigoted fucks will be the voices that dominate the mainstream discussion. And you'll believe eevvvvery worrrrrrd...
1 shoutouts:
i hear you sweetie but just like the women's and civil rights movements, we have a long ways to go before they are somewhat a success, but it's just sad that it has to be that way tho
"But i fucking wish we could stop playing Oppression Olympics, or who-got-their-necks-hung-highest-from-a-tree-for demanding their rights, and really wake up and fight for ALL of us". - that's writing!
ps- where uncle phyllis and "roz" at?!
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