"in the magical land of youtube, racism doesn't exist"

...but i've gotten some of my most VISCERAL reactions of the day just by looking at the comments UNDER the videos. i can't possibly be the only person that notices this shit is a problem.

i spend most of my day fighting off the dreadhead hippies and "post-racist" hipsters at my school for their privileged and still blatantly racist comments (your hair's so amaaaazing unique--no, lovely--no, jova? i dont know, you all look alike)...but this shit reminds me that when white folks get in the CYBER world, where they can remain anonymous enough to not get the shit kicked out of them...they wanna get gully. real gully.

so i think i might've set me up for this by typing "black kids dancing". but you know, they luhhhh us when we tappin for 'em! firstly, the pig who posted this says this about the video:

"lol ok so i don't even care anymore. maybe if you stupid ass black people wouldn't make your own damn stereotype and jump to conclusions about other people bein "racist" towards you than we wouldn't have so much fuss about it. and really all the comments typed out in like black people language aren't doing you any good, i can't undertand you and neither can anyone else. have the common courtesy to argue your point with some real words."

and the peanut gallery speaks:

Do you know how to keep a nigger from drowning? Lift your foot of the back of its head...
I wish you would come to my town saying nigger. We have something waiting for you and ya family. After its over we will see who goes home to their family that night. Ill tell you now you wouldnt be going home. But we will give your family money to help out with the cost.
Now why in the hell would I ever want to go into the projects...You are one retarded shitskin...
NObama 08
I dont live in the projects "SHITSKIN" no how on our street is worth less than $250,000.00 you do the math. Our community is rich but we will still crack a head open fool!!
"no how on our street" What the fuck is that liverlips... And just so you know, you niggers are shitskins you dumb fuck...

...and honestly, i wouldnt even BEGIN to stereotype their kind as some redneck southerners. they're living right next door to you, going to school with you, and can go home to their affluent, comfortable, sparkling white abodes.

AND, the finale for me. i thought i was gonna be "colorblind" and just type "funny kids"...the fucking crowd went wild.

now while i know this evokes the deep-seated love and compassion america has for the exaggeratedly black and unkempt pick-a-ninny, getting devoured by alligators, standing alongside alfalfa shouting "ohhhh-taaaaay!!!!" you'd think we were soooooo over this type of racism, right? WRONG. and disregard the fact that he's actually in a suit and not wearing a piece of savage cloth.

come on y'all, you GOTTA love this shit:

omg man i need some duck tape,a bannana,and vasoline.lol
The racists are just jealous because at age five, that kid will already have a bigger penis than them.
stop da hate against dat nigga yallz
cuz he might steal your bicycle
happylobe........u,one dumb mother fucker!!!!!fucking fagget,ur noone to juge me!!!!go get fucked by a big black guy named tank
What is it?? Is it an animal?? :)
Ohhh yhea is a Monkey.

(i'm not racist, i voted for obama. this country's not racist, a black man's running for president...racism is a social construct...affirmative action--isn't that, like, reverse racism?...my grandfather fought in the civil war, so you owe him an apology...wu-tang's soooo awesome, yo!...oh my god my black boyfriend had the BIGGEST cock i'd ever seen!...! oh shit! lebron james on a pack of bubbilicious!)

i can't go on anymore. honestly, i don't even wanna share the same country with these muthafuckas. this the shit that makes me PERMANENTLY bitter. that makes me say, if you're white, you're racist. point. blank. period. whether the blatant, slur-filled triggering bigots, or their mean-well "i'm not racist, but..." cousins.

where IS the forum to actually have a constructive conversation about race in youtube and the like? hell, will there ever be one? especially in times when no one sees this as a major problem, or says we're being too sensitive? SINCE WHEN WAS RACISM EVER OVER FOR US TO BE SENSITIVE ABOUT IT? obviously the ones sayin this shit don't have to deal with it everyday. fuck 'em. we gotta push thru this blind ignorance.

aight, just hadda get that off my chest. now back to lookin at TLC videos.

1 shoutouts:

stokes. said...

pretty good post, yo.

thats all... really real.

much <3, grrl.

stokes. & c.jarelle