"Television is just one part of a teenager's media diet that helps to influence their behavior. We should also look at the roles that magazines, the Internet and music play in teens' reproductive health," Chandra said, acknowledging still other factors can influence teen sex habits.
Living in a two-parent family reduced the chances of a teen getting pregnant or causing a pregnancy. Black teenagers, and those with discipline problems, had higher risks."
Okay, y'all made me have 2 get academically angry black woman on this one:
It must be noted that this article is, by no means, a comprehensive explanation of the multitude of reasons behind teen pregnancy, mostly including environment, race, class, household, etc. Even these reasons must be analyzed, as blindly stating that "black teenagers and teenagers with disciplinary problems are at higher risk", as the author Andrew Stern mentions, is highly problematic. This does not explore the dire dynamics of systematic racism, poverty, and neglect that youth of color experience in these environments.
Moreover, the patriarchial gendered dynamics in these communities often force young women to believe, consciously or unconsciously, that men have the power. The lack of comprehensive sexual education in many public schools in youth of color communities, as well as sexual taboos and silence surrounding sexual activity, also contribute to the curiosity and experimentation.
So, whereas white teenagers can seemingly be harmfully influenced by television and movies to guide their sexual behavior, youth of color are scapegoated as hypersexual since birth, and this behavior is expected of them, and not seen as threatening or surprising. Nevertheless, a thorough discussion of this topic, beyond the sensationalism of television, must be had in order to understand why teenage pregnancy continues to persist in the US.
Once again, our bodies on the line, the actions that are expected of us.
So while little Sally Walker in Missouri can watch Tila Tequila and trip, fall and land on Johnny's dick, the rest of us have been rubbin on our tiddies since birth. Right?
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