...We gettin our heads decapitated.
As many of y'all might've heard, there is an escalating amount of violence against LGBTQ folks happening globally. We are, and always have been, enemies of the global state. From Puerto Rico, to my hometown B-more, my heart is crushed more and more as I attempt to feel safe in a world that overwhelmingly fears our existence. And yet they see marriage as a win.
Two weeks ago I had the charm of going to a rally at the Uganda Embassy to protest their "anti-homosexuality bill", which is as follows:
The existing law, Section 140 of the Ugandan penal code, penalizes "carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature" with imprisonment of up to 14 years...The draft bill tabled today seeks to imprison anyone convicted of "the offense of homosexuality" for life.
This new draft bill includes a provision that could lead to the imprisonment for up to three years of anyone, including heterosexual people, who fails to report within 24 hours the identities of everyone they know who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, or who supports human rights for people who are.
Now this is not to demonize my African people, but other countries are pushed to follow suit as well. How delicious.
And then I get home, only to find out about Jason Mattison, 15 yr old who was raped, gagged, and hung in his aunt's house in West Baltimore, AND George Steven Lopez in Puerto Rico, found decapitated and dismembered on the side of the road. Worse was the fucking police agent who stated, ON TV, that "people who lead this type of lifestyle need to be aware that this will happen". I want people who lead ur type of lifestyle, aka, law enforcement, to be aware that YOU get dismembered.
Three words: Fuck 'em all.
My girlfriend reminded me that we must fight hate with love, and that those that hate are the overwhelming minority. I really want to believe that as truth. The next post is a poem of mine dedicated to all my beautiful, fearless, queer people the world over who will not let fear dominate who they are. Hearts.
Paint Me a Rainbow Fairytale and Tell Me It's Better Now.
Uni Q. Mical
, Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 10:43 AM, in
hate crime,
puerto rico,
youth of color
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